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plot_overrep_kmer: Create a box plot of the log2(observed/expected) ratio across the length of the sequence as well as top

overrepresented kmers. Only ratios greater than 2 are included in the box plot. Default is 20 bins across the length of the sequence and the top 2 overrepresented kmers, but this can be changed by the user.


Create a box plot of the log2(observed/expected) ratio across the length of the sequence as well as top overrepresented kmers. Only ratios greater than 2 are included in the box plot. Default is 20 bins across the length of the sequence and the top 2 overrepresented kmers, but this can be changed by the user.


plot_overrep_kmer(overkm, bins = 20, top_num = 2, output_file = NA)


Argument Description
overkm data frame with columns pos, obsexp_ratio, and kmer
bins number of intervals across the length of the sequence
top_num number of most overrepresented kmers to plot
output_file File to write plot to. Will not write to file if NA. Default NA.


A box plot of the log2(observed/expected ratio) across the length of the sequence


r infile <- system.file("extdata", "test.fq.gz", package = "qckitfastq") over_km <- overrep_kmer(infile,k=4) plot_overrep_kmer(over_km)