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plot_outliers: Determine how to plot outliers. Heuristic used is whether their obsexp_ratio differs by more than 1

and whether they fall into the same bin or not. If for 2 outliers, obsexp_ratio differs by less than .4 and they are in the same bin, then combine into a single plotting point. NOT FULLY FUNCTIONAL


Determine how to plot outliers. Heuristic used is whether their obsexp_ratio differs by more than 1 and whether they fall into the same bin or not. If for 2 outliers, obsexp_ratio differs by less than .4 and they are in the same bin, then combine into a single plotting point. NOT FULLY FUNCTIONAL


plot_outliers(overkm, top_num)


Argument Description
overkm data frame with columns pos, obsexp_ratio, and kmer that has already been reordered by descending obsexp_ratio
top_num number of most overrepresented kmers to plot. Default is 5.


currently 0 as function is not fully working.