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Brown CBC's Metagenomics Workshop Materials

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Session 1 Fundamental concepts

This will include the overall goal of metagenomics, the types of metagenomics experiments, and considerations for experimental design.

Session 2 Workflows and tools for analysis

This will include workflows and tools for analysis as well as some common pitfalls and how to troubleshoot them.

Workshop Topic Overview

Session 1 Analysis of 16S data using QIIME - Kellyanne Duncan

This will be a short tutorial on the analysis of 16S data using QIIME with an overview of quality filtering and examples of some different aspects of analyses.

Session 2 Analysis of 16S data using DADA2 - Damien Cabral

This will be a short tutorial on the analysis of 16S data using DADA2 that will include DADA2 background and core principles, DADA 2 workflow, and a brief introduction to analysis in Phyloseq.


To access a read-only version of the workshop notebooks (complete with full output), please click the above link; you will be redirected to Jupyter's NBViewer utility. Simply click the name of the notebook and it will be rendered as HTML.


Kellyanne Duncan, Damien Cabral


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Original Time and Location

Date: October 2017

Location: Campus Center