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Jupyterfleet Manual

Jupyterfleet currenly has two arguments, one required and one optional::

-y --yaml: REQUIRED - denotes the YAML file containing the instance specifications to be actualized

--kill: OPTIONAL - kills all instances active in the region indicated in the YAML file

--skip: OPTIONAL - skip the spin-up step and proceed directly to Jupyter activation

-h --help: OPTIONAL - show this message in the terminal

Logically speaking, the software implements the following steps:

  1. Determines if the AWS CLI is in the PATH a) Exits with an error if it is not
  2. Parses the YAML into a dictionary object
  3. Checks the YAML to see if the AWS CLI needs to be configured (no batch configuration mode exists so this step is implemented manually). a) If so, writes the 'default-region' from the YAML to ~/.aws/config b) Writes the 'key-id' and 'secret-key' to ~/.aws/credentials
  4. Checks if the AWS CLI is not configured by looking for a valid access key a) If no key is added, exits with an error and instructs the user to request it be configured in the YAML or to do it themselves interactively
  5. Determines whether or not the --kill argument has been passed a) If so, retrieves the instance IDs of all instances running in the default region and terminates them b) Creates a timestamped folder and archives all temporary files (e.g. the user directory) c) If logging is enabled in the YAML, removes the last line of crontab
  6. Requests instances in accordance with the parameters specified in the YAML file
  7. Waits for 180 seconds to allow all instances to spin up fully (no problem has yet been observed with this interval over hundreds of test instances; if you run into an issue with some instances not being fully instantiated, please report it so we can make it longer for the next build)
  8. Retrieves the IPs associated with the instances and writes them to a file
  9. Ensures the keyfile has the correct permissions (400 i.e. -r--------)
  10. Loops over the list of IPs, SSHes into each instance, and activates Jupyter a) Optionally, waits 120 seconds and then queries screen so the user can verify that the Jupyter screen is still running
  11. If logging is enabled, generates a script to query the screen status of each instance at the designated interval a) Writes to crontab to cause this script to be run at said interval
  12. Creates a file wherein the IPs are listed with the Jupyter port appended, creating a clickable link to access each node
  13. Deletes intermediary files
  14. Generates an HTML user directory mapping users to IPs if requested within the YAML
  15. Optionally pushes the user directory to a designated github repository (for use with Github Pages)