The main difference between bulk and single cell RNA-seq is that
In both cases the discrepancies are introduced due to low starting amounts of transcripts since the RNA comes from one cell only.
Improving the transcript capture efficiency and reducing the amplification bias are currently active areas of research.
Development of new methods and protocols for scRNA-seq is currently a very active area of research and several protocols have been published over the last few years. Technological developments and protocol improvements have fueled consistent and exponential increases in the number of cells that can be studied in single-cell RNA-seq analyses.
a) Key technologies that have allowed jumps in experimental scale. A jump to ∼100 cells was enabled by sample multiplexing, and then a jump to ∼1,000 cells was achieved by large-scale studies using integrated fluidic circuits, followed by a jump to several thousands of cells with liquid-handling robotics. Further orders-of-magnitude increases bringing the number of cells assayed into the tens of thousands were enabled by random capture technologies using nanodroplets and picowell technologies. Recent studies have used in situ barcoding to inexpensively reach the next order of magnitude of hundreds of thousands of cells. (b) Cell numbers reported in representative publications by publication date. Key technologies are indicated.
The methods can be categorized in different ways, but the two most important aspects are quantification and capture.
For quantification, there are two types, full-length and tag-based.
The choice of quantification method has important implications for what types of analyses the data can be used for. In theory, full-length protocols should provide an even coverage of transcripts, but as we shall see, there are often biases in the coverage. The main advantage of tag-based protocol is that they can be combined with unique molecular identifiers (UMIs) which can help improve the quantification (see chapter 4.6). On the other hand, being restricted to one end of the transcript may reduce the mappability and it also makes it harder to distinguish different isoforms .
The strategy used for capture determines throughput, how the cells can be selected as well as what kind of additional information besides the sequencing that can be obtained. The three most widely used options are microwell-, microfluidic- and droplet- based.
IRdisplay::display_html('<iframe src= width=2000, height=1000></iframe> ')
This is obtained as standard output with the 10x platform and for others you might have to carry them out yourself
IRdisplay::display_html('<iframe src= width=1000,
height=500></iframe> ')