In this workshop you will learn:

  • Basics of R (objects, variables, data classes, vectors)
  • How to write R functions
  • How to import and export your own files
  • How to install and load R and Bioconductor packages

What is R?

Interacting with R

  • You can use R interactively and have it do some simple math:
In [1]:
2 - 1
  • It is generally more useful to assign your values to variables, which are R objects.
  • You can assign values to R variables using the assignment operator '<-', which assigns the value on the right to the variable on the left.
  • There are other operators as well (like the = sign) but I would suggest you stick with the <- operator for now.
  • Everything in R (including variables) is an object (
Tip: We will use the words `object` and `variable` interchangably in this workshop.

Let's assign a variable called a:

In [2]:
a <- 1

R won't print anything when you assign a value to a variable. We can look at the output of our assignment by typing a.

In [3]:
  • R also comes with a print() function that we can use to look at our variables.
  • We will talk more about functions later in this workshop, but a function is a series of statements that work together to perform a specific task.
  • All functions need pieces of information (or arguments) to perform their particular function, these arguments can be required or optional.
  • print() takes a single required argument -- the thing you want to print.
Tip: You can use `?function` in R to learn more about a particular function (for example: `?print`).
  • Let's print variable a:
In [4]:
[1] 1

We can name our variables any combination of letters, numbers, or underscores (_) with a few exceptions:

  • R has a few reserved words that can't be used as variable names in R:
  • Variables can't start with a number or an underscore
  • You can technically use . in your variable names, but this is best avoided.

For example:

In [5]:
bar <- 11
cat_1 <- 'cat' 
dog_ <- TRUE
egg <- (1L)
foo <- 2i

Now that we have assigned some values to variables, we can start using them:

In [6]:
[1] 11
In [7]:
print(bar * 2)
[1] 22
In [8]:
[1] 1
In [9]:
print(a + bar)
[1] 12

Data classes

  • The variables you assign have some sort of data class associated with them.
  • Data classes impact how functions will interact with your variables.
  • R has 5 basic data classes, including:
  1. character, which is a character
  2. numeric, which can be real (a rounded number) or decimal (a number including a decimal point).
  3. integer, which can be a rounded number (but not a decimal)
  4. logical, which can be either TRUE or FALSE
  5. complex, allows you to use imaginary numbers
  • You can also have missing data, which we will also talk about later in this workshop.

Let's look at the data classes of our variables we have just assigned:

In [10]:
  • The L we included when we assigned egg tells R that this object is an integer.
  • The i we included when we assigned foo indicates an imaginary number, making foo complex data class object.
In [11]:

R data structures

  • R objects can also contain more than one element.
  • Objects that contain more than one element are organized into different data structures.
  • Data structures in R include vectors (also referred to as 'atomic vectors' in R), lists, matrices, arrays, and data frames.


  • Probably the simplest R object that contains more than one element is a vector.
  • You can create a vector using the concatenate function, c(), or directly assigning them.
  • The c() function will coerce all of the arguments to a common data type and combine them to form a vector.
  • Here's a few examples of how you can assign vectors:
In [12]:
numeric_vector <- c(1,2,3,4,5) 
character_vector <- c('one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five') 
integer_vector <- (6:12) 
logical_vector <- c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE)
character_vector_2 <- c('a', 'pug', 'is', 'not', 'a', 'big', 'dog')

Note that I used : when assigning integer_vector, which just generates a list from 6 through 12.

In [13]:
[1] 1 2 3 4 5
[1] "one"   "two"   "three" "four"  "five" 
[1]  6  7  8  9 10 11 12
[1] "a"   "pug" "is"  "not" "a"   "big" "dog"

Vectors also have class:

In [14]:
[1] "numeric"
[1] "character"
[1] "integer"
[1] "logical"
[1] "character"

You can combine vectors using c()

In [15]:
combined_vector <- c(numeric_vector, integer_vector)
In [16]:
 [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12

You can use the length() function to see how long your vectors are:

In [17]:
[1] 12

You can also access elements of the vector based on the index (or its position in the vector):

In [18]:
[1] 2

You can combine these operations, but note that R code evaluates from the inside out:

In [19]:
[1] 12

Here, R is reading length(combined_vector) first. The value returned by the length() function is then used to access the last entry in the combined_vector vector.

You can also name vector elements and then access them by their names:

In [20]:
names(numeric_vector) <- c('one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five')
  one   two three  four  five 
    1     2     3     4     5 
In [21]:

We can use -c to remove vector elements:

In [22]:
 [1]  1  2  3  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12

If a vector is numerical, we can also perform some math operations on the entire vector. Here, we can calculate the sum of a vector:

In [23]:
 [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12
[1] 78
In [24]:
 [1] 0.01282051 0.02564103 0.03846154 0.05128205 0.06410256 0.07692308
 [7] 0.08974359 0.10256410 0.11538462 0.12820513 0.14102564 0.15384615

Use the round() function to specify you only want 3 digits reported and assign it to a variable called rounded

In [25]:
rounded <- round((combined_vector/sum(combined_vector)), digits = 3)
 [1] 0.013 0.026 0.038 0.051 0.064 0.077 0.090 0.103 0.115 0.128 0.141 0.154

You can also perform math operations on two vectors...

In [26]:
print(rounded + combined_vector)
 [1]  1.013  2.026  3.038  4.051  5.064  6.077  7.090  8.103  9.115 10.128
[11] 11.141 12.154

but you'll get weird results if the vectors are different lengths:

In [27]:
 [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12
  one   two three  four  five 
    1     2     3     4     5 
In [28]:
print(combined_vector + numeric_vector)
Warning message in combined_vector + numeric_vector:
“longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length”
 [1]  2  4  6  8 10  7  9 11 13 15 12 14

It looks like R will give you an error message and then go back to the start of the shorter vector.

Coercing between classes

Let's say you're trying to import some data into R, maybe a vector of measurements:

In [29]:
your_data <- c('6','5','3','2','11','0','9','9')

You vector is a character vector because the elements of the vector are in quotes. You can coerce them back into numeric values using as.numeric():

In [30]:
your_new_data <- as.numeric(your_data)
[1]  6  5  3  2 11  0  9  9

What happens if we try to as.numeric things that aren't numbers?

In [31]:
Warning message in eval(expr, envir, enclos):
“NAs introduced by coercion”
  1. <NA>
  2. <NA>
  3. <NA>
  4. <NA>
  5. <NA>
  6. <NA>
  7. <NA>
Example: <NA> indicates that these are missing values, so be careful when converting between classes.

Missing values

Missing values can result from things like inappropriate coersion, Excel turning everything into a date, encoding format problems, etc.

In [32]:
here_is_a_vector <- as.numeric(c(4/61, 35/52, '19-May', 3/40))
Warning message in eval(expr, envir, enclos):
“NAs introduced by coercion”

We can use the function to see if our vector has any <NA> values in it:

In [33]:
  1. FALSE
  2. FALSE
  3. TRUE
  4. FALSE

You can combine this with the table() function to see some tabulated results from

In [34]:
    3     1 

You might also encounter an NaN, which means 'not a number' and is the result of invalid math operations:

In [35]:

NULL is another one you might encounter, and it is the result of trying to query a parameter that is undefined for a specific object. For example, you can use the names() function to retrieve names assigned to an object. What happens when you try to use this function on an object you haven't named?

In [36]:

You might also see Inf or -Inf which are positive or negative infinity, which result from dividing by zero or operations that do not converge:

In [37]:


  • A matrix in R is a collection of elements organized into rows and columns.
  • All columns must be the same data type and be the same length.
  • Generate a matrix using the following general format:
my_matrix <- matrix(
    nrow = r, 
    ncol = c, 
    byrow = FALSE)

For example:

In [38]:
my_matrix <- matrix(
    nrow = 3, 
    ncol = 4, 
    byrow = FALSE)

     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,]    1    4    7   10
[2,]    2    5    8   11
[3,]    3    6    9   12

In the above code, we made my_matrix, we specified it should be populated by the vector c(1:12), with 3 rows (nrow = 3) and 4 columns (ncol = 4) and be populated by column, not by row (byrow = FALSE)

We can access the rows and columns by their numerical index using a [row, column] format. For example, here's how we access row 3 and column 4:

In [39]:

Access entire row 3:

In [40]:
[1]  3  6  9 12

Access entire column 4:

In [41]:
[1] 10 11 12

You can also name the rows and columns and then access them by name. For example, lets name the rows and columns of my_matrix

In [42]:
dimnames(my_matrix) <- list(
    c('row_1', 'row_2', 'row_3'), 
    c('column_1', 'column_2', 'column_3', 'column_4'))

You can also name the rows and columns separately using rownames() and colnames()

In [43]:
rownames(my_matrix) <- c('row_1', 'row_2', 'row_3')
colnames(my_matrix) <- c('column_1', 'column_2', 'column_3', 'column_4')
In [44]:
      column_1 column_2 column_3 column_4
row_1        1        4        7       10
row_2        2        5        8       11
row_3        3        6        9       12
In [45]:
column_1 column_2 column_3 column_4 
       2        5        8       11 
In [46]:
row_1 row_2 row_3 
    4     5     6 


  • An array can be similar to a matrix but they can have more than 2 dimensions (e.g., more than rows and columns)
  • So, an array with 1 dimension is similar to a vector and an array with 2 dimensions is similar to a matrix.
  • Generate an array with the following generic format:
my_array <- array(vector),dim = c(rows, columns, other_dims))
In [47]:
my_col_array <- array(
    dim = c(12,1,1))
, , 1

 [1,]    1
 [2,]    2
 [3,]    3
 [4,]    4
 [5,]    5
 [6,]    6
 [7,]    7
 [8,]    8
 [9,]    9
[10,]   10
[11,]   11
[12,]   12

In [48]:
my_row_array <- array(
    dim = c(1,12,1))
, , 1

     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10] [,11] [,12]
[1,]    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9    10    11    12

In [49]:
my_array <- array(
    dim = c(3,4,1))
, , 1

     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,]    1    4    7   10
[2,]    2    5    8   11
[3,]    3    6    9   12

In [50]:
another_array <- array(
    dim = c(3,4,2))
, , 1

     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,]    1    4    7   10
[2,]    2    5    8   11
[3,]    3    6    9   12

, , 2

     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,]   13   16   19   22
[2,]   14   17   20   23
[3,]   15   18   21   24

Access elements of arrays like this [row, column, other_dims]

In [51]:
[1] 6
In [52]:
[1] 18

You can also give your array some dimnames():

In [53]:
dimnames(another_array) <- list(
    c('row_1', 'row_2', 'row_3'), 
    c('column_1', 'column_2', 'column_3', 'column_4'),
    c('matrix_1', 'matrix_2'))
, , matrix_1

      column_1 column_2 column_3 column_4
row_1        1        4        7       10
row_2        2        5        8       11
row_3        3        6        9       12

, , matrix_2

      column_1 column_2 column_3 column_4
row_1       13       16       19       22
row_2       14       17       20       23
row_3       15       18       21       24

Then access your array elements by name:

In [54]:
print(another_array['row_3', 'column_2', 'matrix_1'])
[1] 6
In [55]:
column_1 column_2 column_3 column_4 
       3        6        9       12 


  • Lists in R are very flexible, they are collections of elements that can be different classes, structures, whatever. You can even have lists of lists.
  • You make lists using the list() function (or by coersion using as.list().
In [56]:
my_list <- list(character_vector, my_array, my_matrix)
[1] "one"   "two"   "three" "four"  "five" 

, , 1

     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,]    1    4    7   10
[2,]    2    5    8   11
[3,]    3    6    9   12

      column_1 column_2 column_3 column_4
row_1        1        4        7       10
row_2        2        5        8       11
row_3        3        6        9       12

Use [[]] to access list elements:

In [57]:
      column_1 column_2 column_3 column_4
row_1        1        4        7       10
row_2        2        5        8       11
row_3        3        6        9       12

Add more brackets to access sub-elements of a list:

In [58]:
[1] 1
In [59]:
column_1 column_2 column_3 column_4 
       1        4        7       10 

Name the list elements:

In [60]:
names(my_list) <- c('character_vector', 'my_array', 'my_matrix')
[1] "one"   "two"   "three" "four"  "five" 

, , 1

     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,]    1    4    7   10
[2,]    2    5    8   11
[3,]    3    6    9   12

      column_1 column_2 column_3 column_4
row_1        1        4        7       10
row_2        2        5        8       11
row_3        3        6        9       12

Use unlist() if you want to convert a list to a vector, let's make a new list (list_1)

In [61]:
list_1 <- list(1:5)
[1] 1 2 3 4 5

Use str() to look at the structure

In [62]:
List of 1
 $ : int [1:5] 1 2 3 4 5

Then unlist() and look at the structure

In [63]:
[1] 1 2 3 4 5
 int [1:5] 1 2 3 4 5

Data Frames

  • A data frame is another way to organize a collection of rows and columns.
  • It is a collection of lists organized into columns.
  • It is similar to a matrix, except data frames allow different data types in different columns.
  • We can use the data.frame() function to create a data frame from vectors using the following format:
dataframe <- data.frame(column_1, column_2, column_3)
In [64]:
example_df <- data.frame(
    c(1, 3, 5), 

  c..a....b....c.. c.1..3..5. c.TRUE..TRUE..FALSE.
1                a          1                 TRUE
2                b          3                 TRUE
3                c          5                FALSE

Use names() or colnames() to name columns, rownames() to name rows, or dimnames() to assign both column and row names to the data frame:

In [65]:
colnames(example_df) <- c('letters', 'numbers', 'boolean')
rownames(example_df) <- c('first', 'second', '')
       letters numbers boolean
first        a       1    TRUE
second       b       3    TRUE
             c       5   FALSE
In [66]:
names(example_df) <- c('_letters_', '_numbers_', '_boolean_')
       _letters_ _numbers_ _boolean_
first          a         1      TRUE
second         b         3      TRUE
               c         5     FALSE
In [67]:
dimnames(example_df) <- list(c('__first', '__second', '__third'), c('__letters', '__numbers', '__boolean'))
         __letters __numbers __boolean
__first          a         1      TRUE
__second         b         3      TRUE
__third          c         5     FALSE

We can use the attributes() and str() functions to get some information about our data frame:

In [68]:
  1. '__letters'
  2. '__numbers'
  3. '__boolean'
  1. '__first'
  2. '__second'
  3. '__third'
In [69]:
'data.frame':	3 obs. of  3 variables:
 $ __letters: Factor w/ 3 levels "a","b","c": 1 2 3
 $ __numbers: num  1 3 5
 $ __boolean: logi  TRUE TRUE FALSE

Adding columns to a data frame

Let's make a new example dataframe to work with:

In [70]:
patients_1 <- data.frame(
    c(1, 3, 5), 
    c('dog', 'dog', 'dog'))
  c..Boo....Rex....Chuckles.. c.1..3..5.
1                         Boo          1                    dog
2                         Rex          3                    dog
3                    Chuckles          5                    dog

Use names() or colnames() to name columns, rownames() to name rows, or dimnames() to assign both column and row names to the data frame. Here we will use names() to namethe columns:

In [71]:
names(patients_1) <- c('name', 'number_of_visits', 'type')
      name number_of_visits type
1      Boo                1  dog
2      Rex                3  dog
3 Chuckles                5  dog

We can use the column names to extract a single column using the notation dataframe$column, e.g.:

In [72]:
[1] Boo      Rex      Chuckles
Levels: Boo Chuckles Rex

The cbind() function can be used to add more columns to a dataframe:

In [73]:
column_4 <- c(4, 2, 6)
patients_1 <- cbind(patients_1, column_4)
      name number_of_visits type column_4
1      Boo                1  dog        4
2      Rex                3  dog        2
3 Chuckles                5  dog        6

We can also rename individual columns of the dataframe using index notation, lets rename the 4th column we just added:

In [74]:
colnames(patients_1)[4] <- 'age_in_years'
      name number_of_visits type age_in_years
1      Boo                1  dog            4
2      Rex                3  dog            2
3 Chuckles                5  dog            6

We can also use the dataframe$column notation to add a new column and name it at the same time:

In [75]:
patients_1$weight_in_pounds <- c(35, 75, 15)
      name number_of_visits type age_in_years weight_in_pounds
1      Boo                1  dog            4               35
2      Rex                3  dog            2               75
3 Chuckles                5  dog            6               15

Let's use str() and attributes() functions to look at the structure and attributes of this data frame:

In [76]:
'data.frame':	3 obs. of  5 variables:
 $ name            : Factor w/ 3 levels "Boo","Chuckles",..: 1 3 2
 $ number_of_visits: num  1 3 5
 $ type            : Factor w/ 1 level "dog": 1 1 1
 $ age_in_years    : num  4 2 6
 $ weight_in_pounds: num  35 75 15
In [77]:
  1. 'Boo'
  2. 'Chuckles'
  3. 'Rex'

Notice that patients_1$name is a factor with three levels...


  • In some situations, you might be dealing with categorical variable, which is known as a factor variable in R.
  • A factor is a type of variable that has a set number of distinct categories into which all observations fall, which are the levels.

Factor variables are important because R's default behavior when reading in text files is to convert that text into a factor variable rather than a character variable, which can often lead to weird behavior if the user is trying to e.g. search that text.

  • In addition to cbind() for adding columns, there is another function in R called rbind(), which adds new rows to a data frame.
  • Let's see what happens when we try to add a new row to our data frame:
In [78]:
patients_1_rbind <- rbind(patients_1, c('Fluffy', 2, 'dog', 8, 105))
Warning message in `[<-.factor`(`*tmp*`, ri, value = "Fluffy"):
“invalid factor level, NA generated”
      name number_of_visits type age_in_years weight_in_pounds
1      Boo                1  dog            4               35
2      Rex                3  dog            2               75
3 Chuckles                5  dog            6               15
4     <NA>                2  dog            8              105
  • The patients_1$name column is classed as a factor, and the factors levels are Boo, Chuckles, and Rex.
  • Recall that a factor is a type of variable that has a set number of distinct categories into which all observations fall, which are the levels.
  • R isn't sure what to do with the new level we are trying to add (Fluffy), so we have to turn those factors into strings.

We can convert the patients_1$name column to a character as follows:

In [79]:
patients_1$name <- as.character(patients_1$name)
'data.frame':	3 obs. of  5 variables:
 $ name            : chr  "Boo" "Rex" "Chuckles"
 $ number_of_visits: num  1 3 5
 $ type            : Factor w/ 1 level "dog": 1 1 1
 $ age_in_years    : num  4 2 6
 $ weight_in_pounds: num  35 75 15

Now we can use rbind() to add a new row:

In [80]:
patients_1 <- rbind(patients_1, c('Fluffy', 2, 'dog', 8, 105))
      name number_of_visits type age_in_years weight_in_pounds
1      Boo                1  dog            4               35
2      Rex                3  dog            2               75
3 Chuckles                5  dog            6               15
4   Fluffy                2  dog            8              105

Re-ordering factor levels

  • You might have ordinal data, like the following:
In [81]:
sizes <- factor(c('extra small', 'small', 'large', 'extra large', 'large', 'small', 'medium', 'medium', 'medium', 'medium', 'medium'))

Use the table() function to look at the vector:

In [82]:
extra large extra small       large      medium       small 
          1           1           2           5           2 

We might not necessarily want the factor levels in alphabetical order. You can re-order them like so:

In [83]:
sizes_sorted <- factor(sizes, levels = c('extra small', 'small', 'medium', 'large', 'extra large'))
extra small       small      medium       large extra large 
          1           2           5           2           1 

You can also use the relevel() function to specify that there's a single factor you'd like to use as the reference factor, which will now be the first factor:

In [84]:
sizes_releveled <- relevel(sizes, 'medium')
     medium extra large extra small       large       small 
          5           1           1           2           2 

You can also coerce a factor to a character:

In [85]:
character_vector <- as.character(sizes)
 [1] "extra small" "small"       "large"       "extra large" "large"      
 [6] "small"       "medium"      "medium"      "medium"      "medium"     
[11] "medium"     

Notice that print doesn't return the Levels and each element of the vector is now in quotes. It is also possible to convert a factor into a numeric vector if you want to:

In [86]:
numeric_vector <- as.numeric(sizes)
 [1] extra small small       large       extra large large       small      
 [7] medium      medium      medium      medium      medium     
Levels: extra large extra small large medium small
 [1] 2 5 3 1 3 5 4 4 4 4 4

This assigns numerical values based on alphabetical order of sizes

In [87]:
ordered_numeric_vector <- as.numeric(sizes_sorted)
 [1] extra small small       large       extra large large       small      
 [7] medium      medium      medium      medium      medium     
Levels: extra small small medium large extra large
 [1] 1 2 4 5 4 2 3 3 3 3 3

This assigns numerical values based on the levels you set when you created sizes_sorted

Data frame merging

Data is often spread across more than one file, reading each file into R will result in more than one data frame. If the data frames have some common identifying column, we can use that common ID to combine the data frames.

For example:

In [88]:
      name number_of_visits type age_in_years weight_in_pounds
1      Boo                1  dog            4               35
2      Rex                3  dog            2               75
3 Chuckles                5  dog            6               15
4   Fluffy                2  dog            8              105

Let's make another data frame:

In [89]:
patients_2 <- data.frame(
    c('Fluffy', 'Smokey', 'Kitty'), 
    c(1, 1, 2), 
    c('cat', 'dog', 'cat'),
    c(1, 3, 5))
colnames(patients_2) <- c('name', 'number_of_visits', 'type', 'age_in_years')
    name number_of_visits type age_in_years
1 Fluffy                1  cat            1
2 Smokey                1  dog            3
3  Kitty                2  cat            5

We can use the merge() function to combine them:

In [90]:
patients_df <- merge(patients_1, patients_2, all = TRUE)
      name number_of_visits type age_in_years weight_in_pounds
1      Boo                1  dog            4               35
2 Chuckles                5  dog            6               15
3   Fluffy                1  cat            1             <NA>
4   Fluffy                2  dog            8              105
5    Kitty                2  cat            5             <NA>
6      Rex                3  dog            2               75
7   Smokey                1  dog            3             <NA>
  • Using all = TRUE will fill in blank values if needed (for example, the weight of any of the animals in patients_2).
  • You can also return only the first data frame specified using the all.x = TRUE argument
In [91]:
patients_df <- merge(patients_1, patients_2, all.x = TRUE)
      name number_of_visits type age_in_years weight_in_pounds
1      Boo                1  dog            4               35
2 Chuckles                5  dog            6               15
3   Fluffy                2  dog            8              105
4      Rex                3  dog            2               75
  • Similarly, return only the second data frame specified using the all.y = TRUE argument:
In [92]:
patients_df <- merge(patients_1, patients_2, all.y = TRUE)
    name number_of_visits type age_in_years weight_in_pounds
1 Fluffy                1  cat            1             <NA>
2  Kitty                2  cat            5             <NA>
3 Smokey                1  dog            3             <NA>

You can also specify which columns to join on:

In [93]:
patients_df <- merge(patients_1, patients_2, by = c('name', 'type', 'number_of_visits', 'age_in_years'), all = TRUE)
      name type number_of_visits age_in_years weight_in_pounds
1      Boo  dog                1            4               35
2 Chuckles  dog                5            6               15
3   Fluffy  dog                2            8              105
4   Fluffy  cat                1            1             <NA>
5    Kitty  cat                2            5             <NA>
6      Rex  dog                3            2               75
7   Smokey  dog                1            3             <NA>

Built-in functions

  • We have already used a few functions in this workshop (like print).
  • Functions are a series of statements that work together to form a specific task.
  • All functions need pieces of information (or arguments) to perform their particular function.
  • Sometimes arguments are required, sometimes arguments are optional -- for example, print() requires only one argument -- the thing you want to print.
  • R comes with some pre-loaded data sets -- you see the list by typing print(data()), but it is quite long.

Load the DNase data and turn it into a data frame:

In [94]:
DNase <- data.frame(DNase)

Let's use the dim(), nrow(), and ncol() functions to get the number of rows (nrow()), number of columns (nrow()), and number of both rows and columns (dim())

In [95]:
  1. 176
  2. 3
In [96]:
In [97]:

We can use the head() function to look at the first few lines of the data frame:

In [98]:
A data.frame: 6 × 3

You can use the n argument to look at a different number of lines

In [99]:
head(DNase, n = 3)
A data.frame: 3 × 3

We can use the tail() function to look at the last few lines of the data frame:

In [100]:
tail(DNase, n = 5)
A data.frame: 5 × 3
17211 3.1250.980
17311 6.2501.421
17411 6.2501.385

The summary function, which can be applied to either a vector or a data frame (in the latter case, R applies it separately to each column in the data frame) yields a variety of summary statistics about each variable.

In [101]:
      Run          conc             density      
 10     :16   Min.   : 0.04883   Min.   :0.0110  
 11     :16   1st Qu.: 0.34180   1st Qu.:0.1978  
 9      :16   Median : 1.17188   Median :0.5265  
 1      :16   Mean   : 3.10669   Mean   :0.7192  
 4      :16   3rd Qu.: 3.90625   3rd Qu.:1.1705  
 8      :16   Max.   :12.50000   Max.   :2.0030  

summary() is informative for numerical data, but not so helpful for factor data, as in the Run column. Let's make a smaller subset of the DNase data to work with:

In [102]:
DNase_subset <- DNase[1:20, ]
A data.frame: 20 × 3
1 0.048828120.017
1 0.048828120.018
1 0.195312500.121
1 0.195312500.124
1 0.390625000.206
1 0.390625000.215
1 0.781250000.377
1 0.781250000.374
1 1.562500000.614
1 1.562500000.609
1 3.125000001.019
1 3.125000001.001
1 6.250000001.334
1 6.250000001.364
2 0.048828120.045
2 0.048828120.050
2 0.195312500.137
2 0.195312500.123

We can also sort our data. Let's look at the conc column:

In [103]:
 [1]  0.04882812  0.04882812  0.19531250  0.19531250  0.39062500  0.39062500
 [7]  0.78125000  0.78125000  1.56250000  1.56250000  3.12500000  3.12500000
[13]  6.25000000  6.25000000 12.50000000 12.50000000  0.04882812  0.04882812
[19]  0.19531250  0.19531250

Use the order() function to figure out the ascending rankings of the values

In [104]:
  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 17
  4. 18
  5. 3
  6. 4
  7. 19
  8. 20
  9. 5
  10. 6
  11. 7
  12. 8
  13. 9
  14. 10
  15. 11
  16. 12
  17. 13
  18. 14
  19. 15
  20. 16

We can assign this ordering to a vector:

In [105]:
reorder_vector <- order(DNase_subset$conc)

And use it to reorder our data frame:

In [106]:
DNase_subset[reorder_vector, ]
A data.frame: 20 × 3
11 0.048828120.017
21 0.048828120.018
172 0.048828120.045
182 0.048828120.050
31 0.195312500.121
41 0.195312500.124
192 0.195312500.137
202 0.195312500.123
51 0.390625000.206
61 0.390625000.215
71 0.781250000.377
81 0.781250000.374
91 1.562500000.614
101 1.562500000.609
111 3.125000001.019
121 3.125000001.001
131 6.250000001.334
141 6.250000001.364

Data frames can be classified into two broad categories: wide format and long format. All data frames shown so far have been presented in wide format. A wide format data frame has each row describe a sample and each column describe a feature. Here is a short example of a data frame in wide format, tabulating counts for three genes in three patients:

In [107]:
wide_df <- data.frame(c("A", "B", "C"), c(1, 1, 2), c(5, 6, 7), c(0, 1, 0))
colnames(wide_df) <- c("id", "gene.1", "gene.2", "gene.3")
A data.frame: 3 × 4

Long format stacks features on top of one another; each row is the combination of a sample and a feature. One column exists to denote the feature in question, and another column exists to denote that feature' value:

In [108]:
long_df <- data.frame(c("A", "A", "A", "B", "B", "B", "C", "C", "C"), c("gene.1", "gene.2", "gene.3", "gene.1", "gene.2", "gene.3", "gene.1", "gene.2", "gene.3"), c(1, 5, 0, 1, 6, 1, 2, 7, 0))
colnames(long_df) <- c("id", "gene", "count")
A data.frame: 9 × 3

These formats both contain the exact same data but represent it in different ways. Various functions exist to convert between wide and long format but these are beyond the scope of today's discussion. You can look up the reshape2 or tidyr packages if you're interested in learning more about converting between long and wide formats -- alternatively, check out our tidyverse workshop.

User defined functions

  • In addition to the already available functions in R, you can also create your own functions.
  • Generally, if you find yourself re-writing the same pieces of code over and over again, it might be time to write a function.

Functions take the following basic format:

myfunction <- function(argument_name){
  stuff <- this is the body of the function(
    it contains statements that use argument_names
    to do things and make stuff)

More formally, R functions are broken up into 3 pieces:

  1. formals() - the list of arguments
  2. body() - code inside the function
  3. environment() - how the function finds the values associated with function names

Here's an example of a function called roll() that rolls any number of 6-sided dice:

In [109]:
roll <- function(number_of_dice){
    rolled_dice <- sample(
        x = 6, 
        size = number_of_dice, 
        replace = TRUE)
  • The built-in R function sample() is nested inside our roll() function.
  • roll() uses the argument number_of_dice as the size, x is the number of sides on the die, which we have hard-coded as 6, and replace = TRUE means that we are sampling the space of all potential die roll outcomes with replacement.
  • Lastly, we tell the function what it should return (rolled_dice).

To call that function and print the output:

In [110]:
print(roll(number_of_dice = 10))
 [1] 4 4 4 3 3 4 6 2 3 2

Lets look at the formals()

In [111]:

What about body()?

In [112]:
    rolled_dice <- sample(x = 6, size = number_of_dice, replace = TRUE)

What about environment()?

In [113]:
<environment: R_GlobalEnv>

So, the function itself is called roll, it takes the argument or formals number_of_dice and the body of the function uses the built-in sample function in R to simulate dice rolls (use ?sample to learn more about the sample() function).

Anonymous functions

  • You can also have something called an anonymous function, where you write the function but don't assign it to an object.
  • The general format is:
       statements that use argument_name to create an object
      argument_name = argument)
In [114]:
        x = 6, 
        size = anonymous_dice, 
        replace = TRUE)
    anonymous_dice = 5)
  1. 2
  2. 6
  3. 1
  4. 3
  5. 5

More on user defined functions

  • We can also have functions that take more than one argument.
  • Lets say we want to roll different numbers of dice (number_of_dice) and we want to change the size of the dice we roll (number_of_sides).
In [115]:
roll <- function(
    rolled_dice <- sample(
        x = number_of_sides, 
        size = number_of_dice, 
        replace = TRUE)
  • The new roll() uses the sample() function again, but this time it uses the number_of_dice and number_of_sides
In [116]:
print(roll(number_of_dice = 5, number_of_sides = 20))
[1] 15  6  1 12  9
  • Lets say we want to roll different numbers of dice (number_of_dice) and we want to change the size of the dice we roll (number_of_sides) as well as tweak the number of times we roll the dice (number_of_rolls).
  • We can use replicate() and sample()
In [117]:
roll <- function(
    rolled_dice <- replicate(
            x = number_of_sides, 
            size = number_of_dice, 
            replace = TRUE))
  • So, in the above function we use number_of_dice, number_of_sides, and number_of_rolls as arguments.
  • The sample() function takes the arguments number_of_sides and number_of_dice
  • The replicate() function is takine number_of_rolls as an argument.
In [118]:
rolled_dice <- roll(number_of_rolls = 10, number_of_sides = 20, number_of_dice = 5)
     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10]
[1,]   12   15   13    2    4    4    4   13    9     9
[2,]   15   16   16   10   17   18   13   18   19    11
[3,]   10    7    9   18   15    3    2    5    2    17
[4,]   10    9    2   14    7   13    5    4    5    16
[5,]   10    7   16   20    7   17   10   16   10    12

You can use colSums() or rowSums() to calculate the sum of the columns and rows:

In [119]:
 [1] 57 54 56 64 50 55 34 56 45 65
In [120]:
[1]  85 153  88  85 125

We can make rolled_dice into an anonymous function:

In [121]:
                replace = TRUE))
        number_of_dice = 5, 
        number_of_rolls = 10, 
        number_of_sides = 20))
      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
 [1,]   13   11   18   15    9
 [2,]    3   14    9   13    3
 [3,]   14    2    7    5   11
 [4,]   15   19   13    2   20
 [5,]   16    2   14   15    3
 [6,]   16   19    5   17   16
 [7,]   17   14   13   10   17
 [8,]   10    9   13   10   11
 [9,]    5   16    3   19    6
[10,]    2   10   14   10    8

Lets make another anonymous function that makes a boxplot of our dice rolls:

In [122]:
                replace = TRUE))))
    number_of_dice = 5, 
    number_of_rolls = 10, 
    number_of_sides = 20)

We can give the boxplot a title:

In [123]:
                replace = TRUE))), 
            main = 'here is a boxplot of some dice rolls')
    number_of_dice = 5, 
    number_of_rolls = 10, 
    number_of_sides = 20)

We can use paste() to pass the function arguments as parts of the title for the figure, by adding main = paste('the ' , number_of_dice, ' ', number_of_sides, '-sided dice were rolled ', number_of_rolls, ' times', sep='')

In [124]:
                replace = TRUE))), 
            main = paste(
        'the ' , number_of_dice, ' ', number_of_sides, '-sided dice were rolled ', number_of_rolls, ' times', 
    number_of_dice = 5, 
    number_of_rolls = 10, 
    number_of_sides = 20)

We can add some colors to the figure by adding col = c(1:number_of_dice), this will generate enough colors so that each bar has a different color:

In [125]:
                replace = TRUE))), 
            main = paste(
        'the ' , number_of_dice, ' ', number_of_sides, '-sided dice were rolled ', number_of_rolls, ' times', 
           col = c(1:number_of_dice))
    number_of_dice = 5, 
    number_of_rolls = 10, 
    number_of_sides = 20)

Importing and Exporting files

  • There are a few different ways to read and write files in R.
  • We will use read.table() and write.table().
  • Lets use some of the pre-loaded data that comes with R.
  • First, let's import the iris data as a data frame and use head() to look at the first few lines
In [126]:
iris <- data.frame(iris)
A data.frame: 6 × 5

You can write the output to a file using write.table:

In [127]:
write.table(iris, file = '~/iris_table.txt')

Use read.table() to pull data into R:

In [128]:
iris_table_2 <- read.table('~/iris_table.txt')
In [129]:
A data.frame: 6 × 5

Notice that the Species column is a factor (<fct>). If we'd like text strings to be characters instead of factors when we import we can use stringsAsFactors = FALSE:

In [130]:
iris_table_3 <- read.table('~/iris_table.txt', stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
In [131]:
A data.frame: 6 × 5

Notice that the Species column is a character (<chr>) To convert back into a factor:

In [132]:
iris_table_3$Species <- as.factor(iris_table_3$Species)
In [133]:
A data.frame: 6 × 5

Another convenient function is list.files(), which you can use with a wildcard (*) to return a list of all files in a directory (specified in path =) that start with iris_:

In [134]:
list.files(path = '~', pattern = 'iris_*')
  1. 'iris_csv.csv'
  2. 'iris_table.txt'

R packages

  • Although R comes with many built in functions, you will probably want to install and use various R packages.
  • You can install the packages using install.packages('package_name_here') (where you would replace 'package_name_here' with your package of choice, in quotes).
  • This will download the package and any additional required dependencies.
  • Uncomment out the next line (e.g., remove the #) to install the the 'ggplot2' package:
In [135]:
The downloaded binary packages are in

Before you can actually use the package, you have to load it as follows:

In [136]:

Most R packages are found in CRAN - the central repository for R package. However, packages can be found in different places. Many of the packages of interest for biologists will be in Bioconductor.

There are two steps to downloading a package from Bioconductor -- first, install BiocManager (again, remove the # to actually run the install).

In [137]:
The downloaded binary packages are in

Then, load BiocManager and use BiocManager::install() to install a package.

In [138]:
Bioconductor version 3.8 (BiocManager 1.30.9), ?BiocManager::install for help
Bioconductor version 3.8 (BiocManager 1.30.9), R 3.5.2 (2018-12-20)
Installing package(s) ''
installing the source package ‘’

Old packages: 'arrangements', 'backports', 'callr', 'clipr', 'curl',
  'data.table', 'devtools', 'digest', 'DT', 'ellipsis', 'fivethirtyeight',
  'foreign', 'ggforce', 'ggplotify', 'ggpubr', 'ggraph', 'ggsignif', 'hms',
  'htmlTable', 'htmltools', 'htmlwidgets', 'httpuv', 'httr', 'KernSmooth',
  'knitr', 'lambda.r', 'later', 'markdown', 'matrixStats', 'mgcv', 'modelr',
  'nlme', 'openxlsx', 'pkgbuild', 'pkgconfig', 'promises', 'purrr', 'R.oo',
  'Rcpp', 'RcppArmadillo', 'rlang', 'rmarkdown', 'RSQLite', 'rvcheck',
  'seqinr', 'shiny', 'survival', 'sys', 'testthat', 'tinytex', 'units',
  'whisker', 'xfun', 'xml2', 'zip'

Use the sessionInfo() function to see more information about your loaded R packages and namespace:

In [139]:
R version 3.5.2 (2018-12-20)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS Mojave 10.14.2

Matrix products: default
BLAS: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.5/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.5/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
[1] BiocManager_1.30.9 ggplot2_3.2.1     

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] Rcpp_1.0.1       magrittr_1.5     tidyselect_0.2.5 munsell_0.5.0   
 [5] uuid_0.1-2       colorspace_1.4-1 R6_2.4.0         rlang_0.4.0     
 [9] dplyr_0.8.3      tools_3.5.2      grid_3.5.2       gtable_0.3.0    
[13] withr_2.1.2      htmltools_0.3.6  assertthat_0.2.1 lazyeval_0.2.2  
[17] digest_0.6.20    tibble_2.1.3     crayon_1.3.4     IRdisplay_0.7.0 
[21] purrr_0.3.2      repr_1.0.1       base64enc_0.1-3  vctrs_0.2.0     
[25] IRkernel_1.0.2   zeallot_0.1.0    glue_1.3.1       evaluate_0.14   
[29] pbdZMQ_0.3-3     compiler_3.5.2   pillar_1.4.2     scales_1.0.0    
[33] backports_1.1.4  jsonlite_1.6     pkgconfig_2.0.2 

If we have time, we can talk about some apply() functions:

The apply() functions

  • R uses a family of apply() functions to repetitively manipulate objects while avoiding for loops.
  • How you use them will depend on the format of your data and what operations you're trying to perform.
  • We will talk about apply(), lapply(), and sapply().
  • There is also mapply(), vapply(), rapply(), and tapply(), but we won't talk about those today.

  • apply() Applies a function to an array (or matrix) and returns an array (or matrix)

  • lapply() Applies a function to each element of a list or vector and returns a list
  • sapply() Applies a function to each element of a list or vector and returns a vector


  • apply() applies a function to an array (or matrix) and returns an array (or matrix)
  • The general format of an apply() call is as follows:
apply(X, MARGIN, FUN, ...)
  • X is the array or matrix to apply the function
  • MARGIN is where the function should be applied - 1 is for rows, 2 is for columns, c(1,2) is rows and columns, can also be a character vector of dimension names if X has dimnames.
  • FUN Function to be applied Let's go back to the dice rolling function:
In [140]:
rolled_dice <- roll(number_of_rolls = 10, number_of_sides = 20, number_of_dice = 5)
In [141]:
     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10]
[1,]   14   16   19    6   18    1   20   14    1    16
[2,]    7    1    6   14    2    5    5    8   10    14
[3,]   15    8    9   14   11    5   10   14    9    12
[4,]   13   15   13   14   14   20    5   10   12    11
[5,]   17   11    1   11    6    6    6    9    9     7
In [142]:

I'm going to name the rows and columns using the paste() and dimnames():

In [143]:
dimnames(rolled_dice) <- list(
paste('roll', 1:5, sep = '_'),
    paste('die', 1:10, sep = '_'))

       die_1 die_2 die_3 die_4 die_5 die_6 die_7 die_8 die_9 die_10
roll_1    14    16    19     6    18     1    20    14     1     16
roll_2     7     1     6    14     2     5     5     8    10     14
roll_3    15     8     9    14    11     5    10    14     9     12
roll_4    13    15    13    14    14    20     5    10    12     11
roll_5    17    11     1    11     6     6     6     9     9      7

Let's try using apply() to increase every value by 1:

In [144]:
add_one <- apply(rolled_dice, c(1,2), function(element) element + 1)
       die_1 die_2 die_3 die_4 die_5 die_6 die_7 die_8 die_9 die_10
roll_1    15    17    20     7    19     2    21    15     2     17
roll_2     8     2     7    15     3     6     6     9    11     15
roll_3    16     9    10    15    12     6    11    15    10     13
roll_4    14    16    14    15    15    21     6    11    13     12
roll_5    18    12     2    12     7     7     7    10    10      8
  • The c(1,2) argument to apply() means that the function should apply to all rows and columns.
  • What about if we use apply to calculate sums for each row and column?

If we use 1 it will apply the function to each row:

In [145]:
row_sums <- apply(rolled_dice, 1, function(element) sum(element))
roll_1 roll_2 roll_3 roll_4 roll_5 
   125     72    107    127     83 
In [146]:
If we use `2` it will apply the function to each column:
Error in parse(text = x, srcfile = src): <text>:1:4: unexpected symbol
1: If we
In [ ]:
col_sums <- apply(rolled_dice, 2, function(element) sum(element))


  • lapply() works on lists and returns a list.
  • Since a data frame is a series of lists, if you apply it to a data frame it will execute the function on each column of the data frame.
  • The general format is as follows:
lapply(X, FUN)
  • X A vector or an object
  • FUN Function applied to each element of X
In [ ]:
rolled_dice_df <-
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
col_sums_df <- lapply(rolled_dice_df, sum)
In [ ]:
In [ ]:

However, if you use lapply() to calculate sums on the rolled_dice matrix, you get back a very long list (since lapply() wants to return a list).

In [ ]:
In [ ]:
col_sums <- lapply(rolled_dice, sum)


In [ ]:
- `sapply()` is similar to `lapply()`, but it returns a vector rather than a list.
- The general format for an `sapply()` call is as follows:

sapply(X, FUN)

- `X`  A vector or an object
- `FUN` Function applied to each element of x
In [ ]:
col_sums_df <- sapply(rolled_dice_df, sum)
In [ ]:
In [ ]: