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adapter_content: Creates a sorted from most frequent to least frequent abundance table

of adapters that are found to be present in the reads at greater than 0.1% of the reads. If output_file is selected then will save the entire set of adapters and counts. Only available for macOS/Linux due to dependency on C++14.


Creates a sorted from most frequent to least frequent abundance table of adapters that are found to be present in the reads at greater than 0.1% of the reads. If output_file is selected then will save the entire set of adapters and counts. Only available for macOS/Linux due to dependency on C++14.


adapter_content(infile, adapter_file = system.file("extdata",
  "adapters.txt", package = "qckitfastq"), output_file = NA)


Argument Description
infile the path to a gzipped FASTQ file
adapter_file Path to adapters.txt file. Default from package.
output_file File to save data frame to. Default NA.


Sorted table of adapters and counts.


r if(.Platform$OS.type != "windows") { infile <- system.file("extdata","test.fq.gz", package = "qckitfastq") adapter_content(infile)[1:5] }