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Supported Operating Systems:

macOS ( Sierra, High Sierra, and Mojave ), Windows (7 and 10), and Linux.

Step 1: Install Julia

  1. Download Julia and install the language following the platform specific instructions.
  2. Then, follow add Julia to the path variable to run VIVA.

To add Julia to the PATH on Windows 7 or Windows 10:

Add the path to the Julia binaries (C:\Program Files\Julia\bin) to the PATH following the concise instructions found here

To add Julia to the PATH on Mac run the following line in the Terminal:

sudo ln -s /Applications/ /usr/local/bin/julia

Be sure to replace "/Applications/" to reflect the version of Julia you've downloaded.

Linux Note: To run on remote compute clusters, you may need to load the opengl and julia modules.

Step 2: Install VariantVisualization.jl

To run the VIVA command line tool and VIVA Jupyter Notebook, you'll need to install our VariantVisualization.jl Julia package which powers VIVA.

To install VariantVisualization.jl:

  1. Open the command line or PowerShell
  2. Run the following block of code
]add VariantVisualization

Step 3: Run viva

Mac and Linux

On Mac and Linux, open another terminal window, navigate to your project folder and run:

viva -f filename.vcf -s <format> -o output/directory/


!!! Warning Viva will not work with Win32.

On windows, after installing VariantVisualization, open a new PowerShell and run:

viva -f filename.vcf -s <format> -o output/directory/

You'll then be prompted to select an application to open the script. Select the Julia executable, that is normally located at C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Julia-<version>\bin\.

Optional Step: Install VIVA Jupyter Notebook

To install the VIVA Jupyer Notebook:

  1. Install Jupyter
  2. Download the VIVA Jupyter Notebook.

Then, follow the in-notebook instructions to generate your plots.

Latest Features

To stay up to date with cutting edge development features install VariantVisualization.jl from the Master branch.

From the Julia REPL:

]add VariantVisualization#master

For Developers

Install VariantVisualization in development mode:

]dev VariantVisualization

VIVA Jupyter notebook and the VIVA the command line tool are built with functions contained in our VariantVisualization.jl package.

Developers may contribute to these open source tools by using functions contained within VariantVisualization.jl which are carefully documented with docstrings.

We have included in-line comments within the code for the VIVA command line tool.

The VIVA Jupyter notebook is powered by a main function which takes arguments defined by the user in the notebook. We welcome users to post in issues to request a new feature or bug fix.

Running VIVA with Docker or Docker Compose

You can run VIVA using the Docker images we've provided if you don't want to install Julia and the VariantVisualization.jl Julia package.

To run VIVA from a Docker image, first install Docker.

Then double-click the in the Applications folder to start Docker. You will see a whale icon in the top status bar to indicate that Docker is running and accessible from the terminal. You can quit Docker once you are finished using VIVA by clicking the Docker whale icon in the top status bar and clicking "Quit Docker Desktop."

Using Docker

Note: You must use the flag --save_remotely when running VIVA by using Docker.

Once Docker is running, you can run VIVA by running the Docker commands below in the Mac/Linux terminal or Windows PowerShell.

We provide two images, one with a Jupyter Notebook and one with a command line script for VIVA. You can run VIVA in a single command using these images. The command consists of calls to run the Docker image followed by the usual VIVA options.

To run the images, follow these steps:

Create a project folder and navigate to it:

mkdir project_x
cd project_x

Make sure to add your project VCF files to that folder.

Run the VIVA Command Line Tool from a Docker image:

Note: Remember, you must use the flag --save_remotely when running VIVA by using Docker.

  • Example run on Mac or Linux:
docker run -it --rm -v "$PWD":/data compbiocore/viva-cli viva --save_remotely -f file.vcf -s pdf -o output
  • Example run on Windows:
docker run -it --rm -v ${pwd}:/data compbiocore/viva-cli viva --save_remotely -f file.vcf -s pdf -o output

Run the VIVA Jupyter Notebook from a Docker image:

Copy and run the following line from the terminal or Windows PowerShell:

  • On Mac or Linux:
docker run --rm -p 8888:8888 -e JUPYTER_ENABLE_LAB=yes -v "$PWD":/home/jovyan/notebook/data compbiocore/viva-notebook:v0.3.9

Go to the following url in your internet browser. You'll receive a token to enter into the url.

Go to<enter token here>

  • On Windows:
docker run --rm -p 8888:8888 -e JUPYTER_ENABLE_LAB=yes -v ${pwd}:/home/jovyan/notebook/data compbiocore/viva-notebook:v0.3.9

Go to the following url in your internet browser. You'll receive a token to enter into the url.

Go to<enter token here>

Click here for more information about Jupyter Docker Images.